
Showing posts from October 16, 2023

Some Important Helth Facts For You

An Apple a Day, No Doctors 1 Glass Milk a Day, No Bone Problems 4 Dates a Day,  No Weakness 5 Times Prayer a Day, No Tension A Lemon a Day, No Fat 5 Almonds a Day, No Cancer

Sato Pradhan Lemongrass Rose Herbal Tea

  SATO PRADHAN LEMONGRASS ROSE HERBAL TEA Contains organically grown and  naturally shade dried Lemongrass and Rose Petals. Ensures sound.   Sleep and good digestion! Key Values of Lemongrass Rose 100% Natural Organically Grown Premium - Quality Caffeine Free No Added Sugar No Chemicals or Pesticides No Preservatives No Artificial Flavors

Sato Pradhan Tulasi - Moringa Tea

  Regular Tea, Coffee is made of 3 poisons... Contains organically grown and   naturally shad dried Tulasi, Moringa and Stevia leaves. Perfect for relieving cough, cold, fever, stress and overcoming tiredness. TULASI - MORINGA TEA Key Values of Tulasi Moringa Tea 100% Natual Organically Grown Premium - Quality Caffeine Free No Added Sugar No Chemicals or Pesticides No Preservatives No Artificial Flavors

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

  CANTALOUPE Health Benefits of Cantaloupe Prevents age related degeneration. Helps lower high blood pressure. Supports collagen production. Rich in Vitamin A. Reduces inflammation.

Health Benefits of Watermelon

  WATERMELON Health Benefits of Watermelon Improve digestive health. Aids in weight loss. Reduces inflammation. Reduces dental problems. Reduces bloating.

Health Benefits of Mango

  MANGO Health Benefits of Mango Improve digestive health.  Contains immune boosting nutrients. Helps prevent diabetes. Rich in Vitamin A. Supports heart health.

Health Benefits of Plum

  PLUM Health Benefits of Plum Relieves anxiety.  Reduces constipation. Helps control blood sugar levels. Reduces dental problems. Controls blood pressure.

Health Benefits of Okra

  OKRA Health Benefits of Okra Contains antioxidants. Inhibit cancer cell growth. Beneficial for pregnant women. Prevents heart diseases. Controls blood pressure.

Health Benefits of Beetroot

  BEETROOT Health Benefits of Beetroots Helps improve exercise performance. Helps to maintain Iron and Potassium levels.  Helps to maintain healthy lever. Prevent heart diseases. Controls blood pressure.

BBC Drink

Creamy, BBC Drink - Banana Baileys Coconut Cocktail recipe is perfect any time of year! So, refreshing and the perfect indulgent drink!  BBC DRINK Ingredients: Banana - 1 (Large) Ice - 1/2 Cup Cream of Coconut - 1/2 Cup BAILEYS Irish Cream - 50g Toasted Coconut for Garnish (Optional) Whipped Cream for Garnish (Optional) Instructions: Step 1:      To toast coconut, place about 1/2 cup of sweetened coconut (shredded or flakes) onto a baking sheet. Toast in a 350-degree oven for about 6-8 minutes, turning and mixing once halfway through. Remove when toasted and cool. Step 2:     For drink, in a blender, combine the banana, ice, cream of coconut and BAILEYS. Blend until smooth. Pour into two glasses, top with whipped cream and toasted coconut. Sip and enjoy!